08.01.2014 Performance by Erik Lindner
Especially for West Wednesdays Evening, Erik Lindner will read new poems and short fragments from Naar Whitebridge, his recently published debut novel that takes place in Schotland.
Hèlène Gelèns wrote in NRC Handelsblad: ‘’If you look closely and long enough, you will see all kinds of weird, absurdist and uncomfortable aspects in everyday images. Erik Lindner catches those aspects in his poetry. Not only by interpreting images, but also by letting observations be followed by observations. His images are crystal clear and on the same time enigmatic.
Lindner’s poetry stays new at every reading. ‘’Erik Lindner (The Hague, 1968) is a poet and writer and publishes at De Bezige Bij. He wrote reviews for De Groene Amsterdammer, taught at the Rietveld academy and organised poetry programs at the Institut Néerlandais in Paris. Four of his poetry books have been published; Tramontane (1996), Tong en trede (2000), Tafel (2004) and Terrein (2010). Last year he published his first novel, Naar Whitebridge. His poems are translated in German (Nach Akedia, Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 2013), French (Terrain, cipM/Spectres Familiaires, 2007) and Italian (Fermata Provvisoria, CFR Edizione, 2013). He is the editor of De Revisor and Terras. “His poems remind of balance- or wire constructions. Lindner skilfully polishes his language elements and places them next to each other with great tension. (Nico Bleutge in Süddeutsche Zeitung) “Naar Whitebridge is not a roaring novel that drags you along, but it requires a lot of attention for beautiful sentences, striking observations and the tragic that becomes crystal clear through Lindners style. ‘’ (Claudia Zeller op Recensieweb)
West Wednesdays are:
Boetzelaer|Nispen, C&H art space, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Gerhard Hofland, Jeanine Hofland
West Wednesdays, Agenda West are a collaboration of 5 galleries in Oud West.
Every second Wednesday of the month the galleries will be opened 18:00-21:00
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