West Wednesdays evening: May 14, 18:00-21:00
“Shared Words”: Mark Kremer in conversation with Astrid Nobel
Especially for West Wednesdays Evening, Mark Kremer will share some words on the exhibition Iland/Us and have a conversation about the work with Astrid Nobel.
Iland/Us is the result of an extensive analysis of the theme ʻislandʼ. For this project the artist worked on the island where she was born and raised, Ameland (NL), and a little faraway island where she didnʼt have a connection with whatsoever, Grímsey (IS). Mark Kremer is a freelance curator, writer and docent who has been active in the art world since 1987. He is currently preparing an exhibition for De Appel arts centre Amsterdam, that investigates the legacy and resonances of ideas and art of the 1960s, and how this legacy is being activated in the art of today. When Elephants Come Marching In: Psychedelia and Conceptualism are Reconciled opens 26.9.2014.
Astrid Nobel (1983) graduated from Minerva Academy of Fine Art in Groningen in 2007, after which she attended the postgraduate program DNA at De Vrije Academie in The Hague. She has taken part in different residencies and exhibitions both inside as outside The Netherlands. She currently lives and works in The Hague.
Iland/Us is on view at C&H art space until June 28.
West Wednesdays are: Boetzelaer|Nispen, C&H art space, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Gerhard Hofland, M4 Gastatelier, Jeanine Hofland
West Wednesdays, Agenda West are a collaboration of 6 galleries in Oud West. Every second Wednesday of the month the galleries will be opened 18:00-21:00
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